For the first time in AUC history, Aptify will be live streaming a selection of our Keynote speakers! I know you feel like all your Christmases have come at once, but wait, there’s more: live stream access is completely FREE for user community members and each session is eligible for CAE credits. Here’s how to register.

Live Streaming Keynotes

Cohesive Teams in a Disruptive World with Steve SislerLIVESTREAM Keynote: "Cohesive Teams in a Disruptive World" with Steve Sisler

Disruption—all the cool kids are doing it. “Disruptive Innovation” usually means people want to push the envelope on their fiscally established products and stay ahead of the curve with new features that will keep them ahead of their competitors. Problems arise when personality clashes are misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misaligned within dynamic teams.

Register for Sisler Livestream

LIVESTREAM - Keynote: "Why Does Everything We Know About Engaging Members Seem Wrong?" with John ManciniWhy Does Everything We Know About Engaging Members Seem Wrong? with John Mancini

AIIM Chief Evangelist John Mancini will discuss why digital disruption is forcing associations to rethink on-line engagement and create a new engagement model centered around content and conversation.

Register for Mancini Livestream

LIVESTREAM - Keynote: "Strategies for Success" with John SpenceStrategies for Success with John Spence

This workshop is what John refers to as “strategic planning for your life”. This intensive and highly personal program is designed to help people take an honest look at where their lives are currently and help them create a specific, clear, and focused plan for enjoying more happiness, balance, and success in their lives and careers.

Register for Spence Livestream

The Power of Millennial Alignment by Jamie Notter

LIVESTREAM - Keynote: "The Power of Millennial Alignment" by Jaime NotterIt’s time we change the conversation about Millennials—from one of complaining, to one of curiosity and learning—because when we do, we uncover the tremendous power that exists when we align our organisations with where the Millennial generation is already heading. In this session, Jamie explores research from his latest book (When Millennials Take Over) that illustrates the more important role Millennials play as decoders of the key changes that are happening in the business world today. 

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